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I align with a school of thought that says, “If we are to preserve culture we must continue to create it “.

This is so apt, because culture allows people to understand each other and their history better. Without its unique culture, without its valued tradition, a society is nothing but a jungle. Culture is the widening of the mind, it’s uplifting to the spirit. Traditions serve as guideposts permeating so deeply into our subconscious minds.

The Yoruba culture has remained quintessential defining who we are through the ages. Our cultural differences however, confer on us a form of identity not in terms of social status but most importantly in terms of our origin and structural ethnicity.

Traditional Rulers in Yoruba land are the custodians of ancient and contemporary Culture and Tradition, each Oba is mandated to undergo mandatory spiritual cleansings and a three-month seclusion in a native place as established by the ancestors. Royal Seclusion has a common nomenclature cum intrinsic phenomenas in Yoruba land. It is called IPEBI in every Yoruba community which makes it so significant and essential traditional process that cannot be waved by any Oba no matter how big or small.

In Ijesaland, our own culture and tradition remain the most classic and ideal examples of how Yoruba Nation is structured and developed through ages. The IPEBI exercises confer on Kabiyesi Owa Obokun Adimula of IJESALAND a kind of cognitive confidentiality and uncommon dignity that’s befitting to the Throne of Owa Olokun, Olori Alade, Orisa Keji. Indeed, Owa Obokun Adimula is next to God according to our Customs. He’s next to the Creator of the Universe and to the gods of different creations that are called the Orisa. Apart God and the Orisa , he’s the only one whose authority and powers cannot be questioned….. hence, “Ka bi o o si” (Kabiyesi). The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 8:2-9: ” Obey the king’s commands because you made a promise to God”. Our Kings are expected to help us and they are responsible for our souls.

In 90 solid days, Kabiyesi will remain in seclusion in a special place in Ogboni’s House. He will not see his wife or wives, he will not see his children except maybe the first son (as allowed somewhere else). He will not be able to move around beyond the secluded arena. This is obviously tasking, but Oba Clement ADESUYI HAASTRUP, Ajimoko 111, has proved all ‘Thomases’ wrong by keeping faith with the culture and tradition of Ijesa people. His determination is resolute, his focus is unswerving and his obedience to traditional rules has been immensely steadfast.

Keeping faith has given him the inner strength and a sense of balance albeit a true perspective of what it takes to be a great King and Giant Ruler . In the first seven days, we have witnessed the tremendous uniqueness of God’s plans for Ijesaland and the hopes that God’s plans will work accordingly for our own Good. When you believe in God, He will never give you anything you can’t handle, He will give you the strength to overcome the stress. No wonder, Oba Clement ADESUYI HAASTRUP has been undergoing the IPEBI Affairs with absolute calmness and the right frame of mind. Each day, he appears more handsome, looking fresher like a new baby.

Oba Clement ADESUYI HAASTRUP, Ajimoko 111

The Court of Ogboni of Ilesa has become a fascinating destination and a place for pilgrimage. Visitors have been coming from all over Ijesaland, Osun State and Nigeria to pay homages and to congratulate Owa Obokun Adimula. All the Agba Ijesas, Yeye Sogbas, Loobinrrins, Loriomos, Yeye Rise, Iyalojas, Elegbaaji , Alapokuduru, Omode Owas, Olode just to mention a few have been coming in groups to show unfettered love and admirations to Owa “A M’uni M’aparo Oko O ni”.

The custom allows for a celebration on the third day of IPEBI and another celebration on the seventh day. The seventh day celebration was a mini carnival, filled with funfair and amusements, so beautiful, highly colorful.

All the Agba Ijesas led by Ogboni IPOLE came in full traditional attires and held customary meeting with Kabiyesi inside one of Ogboni’s Courts. Owa Obokun also received a huge entourage representing the Royal Family of Bilaro Oluodo. Yeye Rise led the Yeye Sogbas, Iyalojas and other women societies, all in colorful Aso Ebi and radiant Head Dresses. We never can forget such a great day so soon.

Now that IJE in IPEBI has come and gone, Kabiyesi Alayelua, Owa Obokun Adimula of IJESALAND, Oba Clement ADESUYI HAASTRUP, Ajimoko bi Oyinbo will begin the prospective spiritual education and intensive tutelage about his responsibilities, the intricacies of our tradition and culture, the roles of each of his subjects or Chiefs including their dos and donts. The next 81 days will provide Kabiyesi, Olori Alade, Orisa Keji, Owa Akorede of Ijesaland, the opportunity to gain deeper knowledge and understanding of the history and customs of Ijesaland. He will be tutored by different Palace Authorities about the different locations and routes in the palace square. For example, there are exit routes and there are entrances in the ancient palace square such that when he enters through a particular route, it’s forbidden to return through the same route to his seat.

Kabiyesi Alayelua, Owa Obokun Adimula of IJESALAND, Oba Clement ADESUYI HAASTRUP

It is also forbidden for any Chief or Oba within his domain to greet him with Irukere, that’s to wave Irukere at Owa Obokun Adimula. He alone can do that.

It’s forbidden for any of his chiefs or subjects to use walking stick while greeting Kabiyesi. Only the Ogbonis, AOROS, Onifa and Olorishas are permitted to wear their peculiar head dresses while greeting Kabiyesi Owa Obokun Adimula. Owa Obokun must not see the nakedness of their heads. And, though, these class of traditional Chiefs may not prostrate like other Chiefs before Kabiyesi Owa Obokun, still they have their peculiar ways of showing highest regards and obeisance to the Imperial Majesty.

Despite the tight schedules and tediousness of the various spiritual activities during IPEBI, tradition and customs allow Kabiyesi Owa Obokun Adimula to receive visitors and attend to important official assignments. Visitors only have to follow due protocols by sending notices ahead through the Palace Secretary. Important dignitaries may also contact the AJIROBA OF IJESALAND, Alhaji Lateef Bakare or Mr. Akinloye Ajayi -Obe of Lemodu Dynasty.

So far, it has been so good. The good news everywhere is “Ijesa ti l’Oba be e”. I fervently pray that the Times of Oba Clement ADESUYI HAASTRUP, Ajimoko 111, will be peaceful and prosperous. Ijesaland will prosper and her people will experience the abundance of blessings and Good Tidings.

Piece by Akinyele Akintola, 31st January 2025.

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